Talking In Tongues | March 2022

A Broader Spirituality

For the month of March, we’re digging a little deeper into our mission statement: What does it mean to engage with a broader, deeper Christian spirituality centered on the renewing work of the Holy Spirit across the body of Christ?

On the Podcast | Episode 2

COMING SOON: This month, we’ll be talking with Bishop Tommy Reid, Bishop emeritus of The Tabernacle at Orchard Park in Buffalo, NY. We’re excited for you to hear some of his story: how he’s seen the Holy Spirit at work in congregations all over the world, and how a prayer group led by a Catholic priest led to an explosion of growth, and an outpouring of God’s Spirit. It’s a conversation you won’t want to miss - be sure to follow Talking in Tongues on your favorite podcast platform so that you're notified when it's posted!

Other Resources | A Broader Spirituality

In keeping with this month’s theme, we’re highlighting the work of some theologians and thinkers from multiple denominations: including Richard Rohr, Brother Lawrence, Henri Nouwen, Shane Claiborne, and more.

And, Bethany Miller challenges us to look at Lent through the lens of what is and what will be: leaning into the dissonance and tension we feel during this year’s Lenten season.

Talking in Tongues Book Club

This month, we also launched the Talking in Tongues book club via Facebook groups! For March, we’re reading and discussing Brian Zahnd’s book Water to Wine. If you’re unfamiliar with his book, check out this month’s book spotlight, written by Dr. John Miller, and pick up your copy today!

February Recap | Black History Month

In case you missed it, last month we took some time to explore what it means to celebrate and engage with Black History Month as believers:

On the Podcast | Episode 1

We talked with Dr. John Miller and Pastor Bill Gibbons, each of whom minister at multiethnic churches in the city of Rochester, NY, about Black History Month: the beauty and the challenges when being intentional about diversity within our communities and churches, and what it means to be anti-racist. If you missed that conversation, you can listen to it wherever you listen to podcasts - just search Talking in Tongues on your favorite platform and click on Episode 1.

Other Resources | Black History Month

February’s book spotlight highlighted Jemar Tisby’s book, The Color of Compromise, an important work on the church’s complicity in racism in the United States.

Our team put together a full list of resources for you to dig deeper on topics like racism, diversity, and social justice.

And, Dr. John Miller, in his article entitled “Do Black Lives Matter—To me?” challenged us to ask ourselves how we, as Christians, are called to respond to the social justice issues of our day. Is it enough to be an ally, or does the gospel compel us to be an advocate?

Lastly, we want to thank you for being part of the Talking in Tongues community and what we hope to do through this space. We’re thrilled to get this project started and are so glad you’re here!

If you have any comments or suggestions for our team or would be interested in participating in a future month (through submitting written content, etc), we’d love to hear from you!