Talking In Tongues | April 2022

Life, Death, and Resurrection

This month here at Talking in Tongues we’re focusing on the theme of Life, Death, and Resurrection. As believers around the world celebrate Resurrection Sunday and the events of Holy Week, it’s a theme that will no doubt be talked about much in the coming days. And, though it’s a theme that is synonymous with Easter celebrations, it’s also a theme that we see again and again in our lives, in the world around us, and throughout the Bible.

It’s displayed here on the East coast on a grand scale as the summer sun that warms our faces and makes the world around us lush with vegetation seems to recedes into the background as tendrils of cool, crisp Autumn air transform foliage into hues of crimson, burnt orange and brown before blanketing the landscape in a frozen, snow-covered gray of winter for months until, at long last, spring bursts forth again into new life.

It’s a cycle that we see in our own lives, as our dreams and plans and ideas shift and change, as one season comes to a close or another, bursting with new ideas and possibilities, begins. We see it time and time again throughout the scriptures: as Israel is enslaved in Egypt and then set free, Daniel is tossed to the lions only to come out unscathed, and Jesus speaks life, healing, and wholeness to the lost, the lame, the blind - even the dead.

In some theological circles, this cycle of enslavement to liberation, what was cast-down being raised-up, or new life breathed into what was once dead, is referred to as the Paschal Mystery. Life. Death. Resurrection.

As you prepare to celebrate Easter Sunday and the ultimate celebration of the Paschal Mystery: that Jesus came to earth to live and die and rise again—defeating the powers of Sin and Death and giving us new life in Him, we encourage you check out the resources below and to reflect on where you have seen this principle at work. Where has God breathed new life into what was once dead in your life? Is there something the Holy Spirit is asking you to lay down so that he can bring about something new? In what areas do you need to ask Jesus to breathe new life today?

Rejoicing and believing with you this Easter season,

Jared & Bethany 

On the Podcast | Featured Guest: Randall Worley

Randall Worley is an author, speaker, leadership consultant and life coach. For 40 years he has traveled the world speaking in conferences, seminars and schools inspiring his audiences to think progressively about the role of the kingdom of God in the world. In this month’s podcast, Randall discusses curiosity, coming to God with our questions, the Paschal mystery, and the power of the resurrection at work in our lives.

Click here to listen, or search Talking in Tongues wherever you listen to podcasts!

Featured Book | The Undoing of Death by Fleming Rutledge

A book that will appeal both to the general reader and also undoubtedly serve as an invaluable resource for ministers tasked with preparing their own Holy Week and Easter Sunday sermons, The Undoing of Death is a collection of Rutledge’s sermons centered on the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. In a way that only she can, Rutledge masterfully tackles the deeper theological implications of Holy week in a way that is both powerfully compelling and easy to understand.

Read our full spotlight of Rutledge’s book here, or to read along with our community and join the book discussion, check out our book club!

Holy Week Posts | April 2022

Did you know that the Eastern Orthodox church starts Holy Week on Saturday rather than on Palm Sunday? Or that Palm Sunday started with Jesus’ weeping – long before anyone waved a single palm branch? 

Each day during Holy Week we’ve be posting an article or reflection by a different member of the Talking in Tongues community. We’re really excited to introduce you to some new writers, and know you’ll be encouraged by what they have to share. You can find the articles we've posted so far by clicking the links below:

Check back each day for our remaining Holy Week posts - including Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday!

In Case You Missed It:

Talking In Tongues | Episode 2 Last month we talked with Pastor Tommy Reid, Bishop Emeritus of the Tabernacle at Orchard Park in Buffalo, NY about his experience with a broader, deeper Christian spirituality. You can find that conversation here, or wherever you listen to podcasts!

Other featured content last month included a book spotlight on Water to Wine by Bryan Zahnd, a lenten reflection written by Bethany Miller, and featured resources by Henry Nouwen, Shane Claiborne, and more!